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Smart Migration

Solutions australia

About Us


We pride ourselves for being a family owned business. We value each and every client and with our personal touch all of our clients feel well taken care of.


What makes us different is the fact that we have been through this process not once, but twice. We did it as a family so we understand what families go through when applying together.


Professionalism and authenticity are among our top values as we realised ourselves the most important thing in those waiting moments was knowing we did our best when applying so we could have the best chance.


"Seems like not long ago we were preparing to apply for our visas. As a family we wanted more, we wanted a better future for ourselves and our daughter and we somehow knew Australia was going to be our home. It’s been more than 10 years since living in Perth, Western Australia and we couldn't be happier. We have never looked back and now we help others make the move confidently."

- Cristina Pomana

Registered Migration Agent MARA: 1678015

Education Agent Counsellor QEAC No:

Vocational Trainer and Assessor


"We understand the process of migrating can be rather stressful or almost impossible to understand, but it doesn’t have to be the case. 

When choosing us as your migration agent, you can rest assure everything will become clear on your opportunities in Australia"

- Emil Pomana

Skills Assessment Consultant 

Our Services


Migration Services

Professional migration, career, and skills assessment advisors

Our professional team of migration and skills assessment advisors, understand not only what the immigration laws are, but the policy and instructions behind their making. Our sound and expert knowledge removes the guesswork therefore, you can feel assured placing your trust in our team.

Education Counselling Service

Education system insider

As a former Vocational Education Manager, our Education Counsellor, Cristina Pomana is a fine and knowledgeable professional of the Australian Education System. If you are interested in studying in Australia, you couldn’t find a better advisor.

Occupation and Career Pathways Advice

Skills Assessment support


It is quite common for migrants to find it difficult to match their job title to the Australian code system. But do not worry, we are here for you to help you! We have designed different tools to assist us to identify the best match of the Australian code system (ANZSCO) for your occupation. We will take in consideration, not just the qualification and job title, but also the experience and job description. Mapping is one of our strengths.



Emblem Consult was literally our life jacket. My husband and I applied for a visa last year, but unfortunately it was refused. We did not know what we had done wrong and, therefore, we lost all hope to ever go to Australia. It was not until we had met Cristina Pomana, that we dared to make plans again. Emblem Consult treated our case with professionalism and integrity and we received our visa in a month.


Australia is everything we wished for and we surely want to grow old there. There is no better Immigration Agent than Cristina Pomana and we trust her to make our dreams come true as we are in the process to apply for a permanent residency visa. I definitely recommend their services to anyone who would like to go to Australia.

-  Denisa and Florin Mih


Contact Us

+61 438 273 613


4 Hillside Grove, Ballajura, WA 6066


MARA Agent No. 1678015 / QEAC No. K030

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Thanks for submitting your enquiry, we will be in touch with you shortly!


Registered Migration Agent   

MARN:  1678015

Education Agent Counsellor

QEAC No: K030

The information and other material on the EmblemConsult website is provided for your assistance. It should not be relied on as migration advice or as a substitute for migration advice.

The user is advised to contact our Registered Migration Agent for the purpose suitable to them.

The areas in which we practice are subject to constant change. Whilst we will make every effort to update the information and other material on our website, there may be delays, errors or omissions that render this material out-dated.

Our website often contains links to information and material on other sites. EmblemConsult makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or validity of the information or material on those sites. We do not have any arrangement and do not endorse or recommend any of the information, goods or services referred to on any of the linked websites.

Code of Conduct

We are guided by our values and follow the MARA Code of conduct across all our business.

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